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Allan James - The AGF Group
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Business Name: Allan James Financial Services Ltd
Contact: Allan James
Telephone no: 01543 444488
Fax: 01543 444499
Mobile no: 07894 055739

Allan James Financial Services is based in Staffordshire offering all aspects of asset finance covering North Wales, Shropshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.
Allan James has worked all his life in Agriculture, mainly in retail sales, he moved to asset finance in 2001 and now operates a successful brokerage. Operating as a family business Allan's Son Ashley and Daughter Natalie are part of the team.
He is also a partner in the AGF group where he is able to gain potential to offer excellent service and rates for all asset purchases.
Allan James Financial Services Ltd is Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Contact details are provided here for use by limited companies or partnerships of 4 or more partners

Contact Allan James

Allan James

Finance for all your business needs




© 2007 The AGF Group







